A comfortable stay in a residential résidence

The apartments are built to bring you a comfortable accomodation for a night, a week or even a month!
  • Are you making a business trip ?
    Perhaps you need accommodation after a transfer or secondment, or just while you attend a training course?
    At Les Palatines, you can enjoy a short stay in a proper apartment. The area is quiet, so perfectly suited for relaxation or for getting work done.

  • Are you looking to stop over en route to your holiday destination ?
    All the family will feel at ease in a spacious, well-equipped apartment. You can maintain your routine and relax: the Les Palatines team has thought of everything! Fixtures and fittings, local shops, even a few suggestions for walks... it’s a great way to leave Saint-Étienne with pleasant memories.
Résidence Les Palatines - 19 sq Amouroux 42100 SAINT ETIENNE - +33 (0)4 77 80 76 19 - email address is les-palatines@orange.fr